Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Your shots are useless against me.

So little boy wonder went in for shots yesterday. They had to inject him with anti-powers, so that his body can learn to fight them off. Mom was not looking forward to the experience. As for myself, watching the docs snip his little shnably tip off, I think I can withstand just about anything. This was her first 'watching someone inflict pain on my baby' moment and she passed with flying colors. Don't you worry though, the injections did nothing but strengthen the young lad's armor. But he still has webbed toes. He'll be going to the plastic surgeon sometime soon to check out those beautiful dedos (toes). Oh ya, I think Dad is going to teach him Spanish. How cool would that be, a superhero that's speaks Spanish. Then maybe we'd name him Milo el Magnificente. We'll see. Maybe that's just what they'll call him in the Spanish speaking parts of the world. That's right, he will be world renowned. Like Gumbi, or Beavis and Butthead...or somone more important like Dora the Explorer. These are just dreams, but I have a hunch they will come true.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Milo, after we'd found him next to his fallen meteor

There's a first time for everything...

I've always wanted to say...there's a first time for everything. Of course there is a first time for everything, like maybe having the most beautiful, adorable, handsome little man ever. His name is Milo, and this is his blog. I don't even have a blog yet. He's a lot cooler than me though (dad). Actually, let me rephrase, his name is Milo the Magnificent. He's a super hero, just in case you didn't know. His powers are still in development. But he really wants to wear a cape, so whatever powers this little dude has...he will use them while wearing some sort of cape. Kids.