Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The face of a child says it all, especially the mouth part of the face.

Milo seems to be growing at an abnormally incredible rate. His head is almost the size of a pumpkin. And not one of those little mini pumpkins, but a large, man size pumpkin. We're excited about our jack-o-lantern baby. As you can see in these candid shots, he has been getting plenty of rest, ample snuggle time, and intense work out sessions. His bicept could crush you, trust me he's tried. Luckily I (dad) am also blessed with some sweet skills. Mom on the other hand, has succumbed to his most developed and deadly power. We call it the 'clamp down.' It's not pretty, no. It comes when you least expect it. You see these cute little feet dangling from underneath what some call a 'hooter hider'. I call it a 'tease'. Then with no warning mom lunges her head back and screams *@#$! Those little symbols don't mean a bad word, no, they mean growns and moans, and sometimes high pitched noises that only lux and zephi understand. As you can see in the picture, Lux is very concerned about mom. He won't tell you this, probably because he can't talk, but he's been trying out for the side kick position. Zephi is a little more agile and lean, but lux is determined and I think he might get the job.

1 comment:

Ezra said...

Hey look he's got my hair, none.