Monday, March 31, 2008

Hiccupinc. goes live baby!

Well, it's official. Hiccup inc. is a legitimate biz. Thanks to Ash and our friends the Olsens this thing is finally off the ground and its picking up some serious speed. I'm talking speed like when Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock go sliding out from under the bus as it goes crashing into that big plane in the movie Speed type of speed. You know, the type of speed that jiggles your cheeks on some crazy roller coaster as you pray know one is looking at your jiggly face. That type of speed. Not really, but Ash will be standing next to Martha Stewart on April 16th sharing with Martha the secrets to mod podging. Oh, did I say Martha, that's right I did!!!! Live, on the air, side by side Martha freaking Stewart! I will be sitting in the audience participating in a past time activity some like to call crapping my pants. It's ok, I just ordered a case of 'oops I crapped my pants' diapers. I like to be prepared. Maybe they'll pan over to me sitting there, so proud of my sweet wife. What they won't know is although messy, I am quite comfortable in my manly yet dainty and dependable dipey. So anyways, Hiccup inc. is the name of our little side project. It's easy to find at Have a look, it's fun. We'll keep you posted as the show gets closer.


Crystal said...

That's awesome! We can't wait until we are famous by association!!!!

Nells-Bells said...

Love the site and your logo. I must be honest...I was a bit confused by the opening page and someone named Celeste. I was expecting more of a bussiness page rather than a blog. You guys rock. I can't wait to watch my best friend (since I was 3) on TV. (I'm already telling everybody that I'm cool because I know you guys).

meagan said...

Jake, don't crap your pants, everything will be fine. All you need to do while sitting in the audience is make sure that you're paying attention to your lovely wife and not the minx that is Martha Stewart.